Do I get a full refund when I cancel my order?

When you make a payment, there’s a small fee for processing it. This fee ensures your money is transferred safely. If you decide to cancel your order and request a refund, you might find the amount slightly less than you expected. Here’s why, based on different scenarios:

  • If your order is completed successfully, we cover this fee as part of our business operations. You don’t have to worry about it.
  • If we cancel your order due to stock issues, we will pay this fee. You will receive a full refund.
  • If you cancel the order, the refund does not cover the fee. The payment service that handles your money has already done its job, such as fraud checks and secure processing. Since their work is done, we can’t reclaim that fee, which won’t be included in your refund.

We often offer store credits as a first option to help offset these costs for our users with active accounts. Store credits can be a great way to save on future purchases while avoiding some of these fees.